Thursday, July 7, 2011

dazed and confused not From too much sun at the lake...

I set up this blog thinking I would share my thoughts and activities with others out there in the blogging world but needless to say...I HAVE BEEN VERY SELFISH! I am addicted to everyone else's blogs and run out of time for mine and mostly feel all of yours are WAY more outstanding than anything I could even think of posting. I will try harder this year to post something useful you might be able to throw in a file use. Thanks!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Valentines Day

This is our valentine box.  Students bring an empty cereal box.  We cover it with red bulletin board paper and add the arms and hands.  Students decorate a paper plate and add a heart and name tag.  In the background students are passing out their valentines.

State Wrestling Results

My son is almost in the middle with black sweats with red stripes and a grey shirt -jogging)

My son is the one on top 

My son is the one on the right

Well, we are home now and Reed did not place at state wrestling but has invaluable experience to help him next year and throughout his life.  So proud of his hard work and determination!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

State Bound!!!

Well, very exciting news-if you are from Iowa and understand what the  Iowa High School State Wrestling means...our son Reed Russell has qualified for the state tournament in Des Moines next week.  We are elated and so proud of him.  He is also my high school helper so on Monday my kids will get to see a clip of his wrestling and get the big news.  They made him cards for good luck on Friday!

Monday, January 17, 2011

What am I doing?

I am home sick and struggling to even get out of bed and so I thought I would try a blog. Any suggestions of what I need to do?